Marriage in Austria

Individuals who wish to register their marriage in Austria need to follow a few basic steps and provide the needed documents. Foreign couples may also perform a marriage registration ceremony in the country, although subject to slightly different requirements.

Our team of attorneys in Austria is ready to assist you with information on marriage registration, name change and other issues related to family law.

Marriage registration in Austria

Civil ceremonies are the only legally binding ones in Austria. Couples who wish to do so can also plan a subsequent religious ceremony.

Marriages in Austria are concluded with the local register office in the city in which the couple resides or in a chosen city like Vienna for non-residents. A reservation for registering the marriage is needed and this can be made as early as six months before the chosen wedding date. Couples should consider this aspect as in large cities the waiting period will have a larger average time.

The couple must submit the documents for marriage prior to the scheduled ceremony date. A certificate of marriageability will be drawn up after this meeting, during which the couple will also be asked to provide further details or clarifications regarding any prior marriages, children from other marriages and other aspects, as needed.

The partners are allowed to agree which name they will use once there are wed. Our team of lawyers in Austria who specialize in family law can help you with additional information about the registration of the marriage. For foreign couples, our attorneys can act as intermediaries with the local authorities.

Citizenship in Austria can be obtained in a maximum of 36 months, which is the processing time. In this endeavor, you can talk to one of our lawyers to benefit from legal support and advice. We can prepare the documents required by the authorities and we can collaborate with them to communicate with you throughout the process if there are other formalities to be completed. So, contact us whenever you want to discover our legal services.

Documents needed for marriage in Austria

Individuals must be of legal age for marriage and must consent this in front of the local authorities. On the ceremony date, two witnesses will be present to witness the marriage. 

The general documents for marriage required of Austrian citizens are the following:

– identification document;

– birth certificate or acknowledgment of birth if the birth has not taken place in the country;

– nationality proof;

– previous marriage certificate and divorce certificate (if applicable).

Foreign citizens must present additional documents, such as passport, residence registration in Austria after arrival and other translated documents, as needed.

You can contact our law firm in Austria for specialized legal help for handling the marriage registration procedure or any other legal issues in the country.

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