Hiring Employees in Austria

The process and conditions for hiring employees in Austria, as well as the permission and restrictions to work, are detailed in the Employees Act and the Labor Constitution Act along with several other acts.

The team of experts at our law firm in Austria can provide you with detailed information about the employment agreement and the different laws that regulate the employment relationship.

Employment in Austria

The employment relationship in Austria is defined in the written agreement between the two parties. The contract is binding as soon as the employment starts. 

The key legal resources for hiring employees in Austria include the Employment Act, the Contract Law Adjustment Act, the Equal Protection Act, the Labor Relations Act and other acts that govern special maternity and paternity leave, holiday and rest days.

Foreign employees in Austria who are not Swiss or EEA residents will need a visa D (for staying more than 90 days and six months at most). Non-EEA employees will require additional permits to work in the country. This includes the work permit, the employment authorization or the card for highly qualified workers, where applicable. One of our lawyers in Austria can help you with detailed information about these requirements.

We can help foreign citizens apply for citizenship in Austria and ensure a hassle-free process. It is important to mention that this status can be earned after 10 years of living in Austria, with temporary and permanent residency. it can also be applied at the same time with family members. Get in touch with our lawyers to learn more about the legal advice offered in this matter.

Employee benefits in Austria

The Employment Law in Austria provides a set of benefits for individuals working in the country. These refer to leave, holidays, minimum wage and they also regulate working hours, protecting employees from unlawful overtime. The maximum working week is 40 hours, 50 hours when overtime is included and the minimum holiday break is 25 paid working days each year. Additional days are awarded according to seniority. Employees in Austria also have rights in case of illness and they have maternity and paternity rights.

As far as the termination of the employment agreement is concerned, the employees are entitled to severance pay and the contract should stipulate a notice period for dismissal.

You can contact the experts at our law firm in Austria for complete assistance for any employment matters in the country.

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